Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Vitro concentrates on glass

Mexican glass giant Vitro SA de CV is currently concentrating its energies on its core activity, glass manufacturing, and has followed a policy for the last three years of selling off businesses not c…

Mexican glass giant Vitro SA de CV is currently concentrating its energies on its core activity, glass manufacturing, and has followed a policy for the last three years of selling off businesses not connected to glass, such as its participation in companies including Across-Whirlpool, Ampolletas, Vitro PQ, Regioplas and Envases Cuautitan. Disposing of these assets has allowed the company to direct more of its energy into its flat glass, glass container and Crisa divisions, which offer better possibilities for long-term growth and profitability. Vitro is also looking at the contribution of other activities to its overall strategy, with the idea of possibly selling off more non-core assets. Vitro makes 90% of its income from sales of glass.

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