Shareholders of the Ukraine“s Vetropack Hostomel Glass Factory (Kyiv region) decided at their meeting on 8 March 2006 to increase the statutory fund by UAH 15.326 to UAH 15.5 million through the issu…
Shareholders of the Ukraine“s Vetropack Hostomel Glass Factory (Kyiv region) decided at their meeting on 8 March 2006 to increase the statutory fund by UAH 15.326 to UAH 15.5 million through the issue of common registered shares. The funds raised from the sale of shares will be spent on upgrading fixed assets and expanding production. The factory will issue 43,789,000 shares with a single face value of UAH 0.35. The subscription for shares will be held in two periods: from 14 to 28 June and from 29 June to 1 July 2006.