Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Ukrainian Skloplastyk cuts production 4.8% in 1Q 2003

Skloplastyk, the main Ukrainian producer of glass fiber and glass plastic based in
Siverskodonetsk, Luhansk region, announced that it cut production by 4.7% or UAH 0.283 million to UAH 5.663 million…

Skloplastyk, the main Ukrainian producer of glass fiber and glass plastic based in Siverskodonetsk, Luhansk region, announced that it cut production by 4.7% or UAH 0.283 million to UAH 5.663 million in the period January-March 2003 compared with the same period in 2002. Skloplastyk increased production of fiber glass by 15.5% to 335 tons, output of glass balls by 6% to 2,228 tons in January-March 2003, while reducing production of glass plastic by 28.2% to 84 tons. Skloplastyk increased production by 41.73% or UAH 1.7179 million in October-December 2002 to UAH 5.834 million, compared to October-December 2001. Skloplastyk reduced production by 26.5% or UAH 6.088 million to UAH 16.89 million in 2002 compared with 2001. The plant posted a UAH 1 million loss for 2002. Skloplastyk reduced fiber glass output by 59.6% to 909 tons and production of glass balls by 35.7% to 4,820 tons while production of glass plastic increased by 29.1% to 576 tons in 2002. The Ukrainian government owns 76.15% of the plant“s shares. The remaining shares are in private hands.

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