Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Ukraine: Lysychansk Glass Factory posts loss for 2002

The Lysychansk glass factory (Luhansk region) posted losses of UAH 8 million for 2002, according to a company source.
The loss was blamed on the reduction of production due to lack of floating assets…

The Lysychansk glass factory (Luhansk region) posted losses of UAH 8 million for 2002, according to a company source. The loss was blamed on the reduction of production due to lack of floating assets. According to the source, in 2002 the factory reduced glass production by 30% to 3.253 million square meters compared to 2001. The plant has been in financial recovery procedure since 2001. The Lysychansk glass factory ended 2001 with net profits of UAH 2.971 million on sales of UAH 36.731 million. The plant posted a UAH 9.904 million loss in 2000, on sales of UAH 29.304 million. The statutory fund of the factory totals UAH 50.258 million. The firm does not disclose names of its stockholders. Lysychansk glass factory specializes in the production of thin, tempered, rolled and pattern glass, glass blocks and refractory goods.

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