At the end of August 2009, a statement made by the interagency commission for international trade of Ukraine said that the country had started an antidumping investigation against importation of therm…
At the end of August 2009, a statement made by the interagency commission for international trade of Ukraine said that the country had started an antidumping investigation against importation of thermally polished plate glass (float glass), non-reinforced, transparent, clear glass between 3.5 and 4.5 mm thick, irrespective of country of origin and export. On 25 August 2009, the commission was looking into a complaint from the Lysychansk glass factory Proletarii (Luhansk region), which said that in three recent periods – second half of 2006 to the first half of 2007, second half of 2007 to the first half of 2008, and second half of 2008 to the first half of 2009 – the volumes of glass imports to Ukraine increased significantly while import prices were constantly falling, thus damaging national manufacturers. In particular, in the third period, import growth rate was 907.75%, compared with the first period, 151.27% with the second. Proletarii reported losses in the third period of 319.22% more than in the first period, and 1,408.17% more than in the second, obliging the company to reduce prices to a level making production detrimental. Proletarii closed 2008 with a loss of UAH 88.518 million, when its net revenues rose by 59.15% or UAH 220.777 million to UAH 594.007 million compared to 2007.