Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Skloplastyk: supervisory board membership cut

At their meeting on 10 March 2005, shareholders of Skloplastyk (Siverskodonetsk, Luhansk region), the Ukraine“s largest producer of glass fiber and glass-reinforced resin, cut the number of members o…

At their meeting on 10 March 2005, shareholders of Skloplastyk (Siverskodonetsk, Luhansk region), the Ukraine“s largest producer of glass fiber and glass-reinforced resin, cut the number of members on the supervisory board from five to three. According to a source at the company, shareholders dismissed two representatives of Austrian company Florhof Handels- und Beteiligungs GmbH, which holds 76.18% of the Ukrainian firm. The supervisory board is now composed of chairman 61-year old Borys Korobka, and members 24-year old Anatolii Boiko and 49-year old Svitlana Tverdokhlebova. According to the source, all the members of the supervisory board represent their own interests. “Shareholders voted for them,… they (Florhof Handels- und Beteiligungs GmbH) have a large shareholding, they can always reelect,” the source added. In May 2003 the Austrian company successfully bid for the 76.18% of Skloplastyk owned by the state. Skloplastyk finished 2004 with net profit of UAH 2.033 million.

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