Turkey“s main glassware producer Turk Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari (Sisecam) said it would raise its capital to TL 84.106 trillion (US$ 136 million) from 79 trillion.
According to a statement sent to the…
Turkey“s main glassware producer Turk Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari (Sisecam) said it would raise its capital to TL 84.106 trillion (US$ 136 million) from 79 trillion. According to a statement sent to the Istanbul Stock Exchange, the company will issue four trillion lira or 0.05 rights and 1.106 trillion lira or 0.014 bonus shares per existing 1,000 lira nominal-valued share. The bonus issue wil be met from the 1999 dividends of the company. The capital increase is subject to the approval of Turkey“s Capital Market Board (SPK). Sisecam is owned 66.80% by leading commercial bank Turkiye Is Bankasi.