
Şi̇şecam Flat Glass: New product launched at Reflections From Glass Conference

Şişecam Flat Glass launched Şi̇şecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 71/43 at the fourth ‘Reflections From Glass’ conference series at YEM on 17th of May.

The company shared the latest developments and trends in the use of glass in architectural design. National and International Architects and Engineers shared their projects to inspire the innovative use of glass in architecture during the fourth “Reflections From Glass – Pushing Boundaries in Architecture” conference, which aroused great interest from attendees.
Şişecam Flat Glass, the second largest flat glass manufacturer and the fifth in the world, brought together leading architects and engineers with professionals at the conference, which opened with a speech by Ebru Şapoğlu, Şişecam Flat Glass Marketing Group Manager. At the conference Façade Consultant Graham Dodd, Architect Durmuş Dilekçi, Architect Alexis Şanal and Architect Murat Aksu, M. Arch. Were the key note speakers.
“Making Glass Functional” by Façade Consultant Graham Dodd, “Poppaea’s Veil” by Architect Durmuş Dilekçi, “Community Design Istanbul: Behaviors, Process, Practice” by Architect Alexis Şanal, and “Transparency in Public Space” by Architect Murat Aksu, M. Arch., presentations were followed with great interest.
During the event, Şişecam Flat Glass also launched its new product ‘Şişecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 71/43’, which has high light transmission and low reflection properties. This new product prevents heat loss in Winter and decreases solar heat gain in Summer. While helping to reduce cooling and heating costs, it provides safety.

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