Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Saint-Gobain names new COO from 1 April 2004

At its 20 November 2003 meeting, the board of directors of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, acting on the recommendation of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jean-Louis Beffa, appointed Christian Streiff…

At its 20 November 2003 meeting, the board of directors of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, acting on the recommendation of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jean-Louis Beffa, appointed Christian Streiff as Chief Operating Officer. Mr Streiff will replace Gianpaolo Caccini. Mr. Streiff takes over as COO from 1 April 2004, the date on which Gianpaolo Caccini retires. The board of directors thanked Mr. Caccini for his major contribution and commitment to the Saint-Gobain Group over the past 30 years. Born in September 1954, Christian Streiff is a Civil Engineering Graduate of the Ecole des Mines de Paris. He has been with the group since 1979. Having occupied several posts in Germany with Halbergerhutte (Pipe Division) and Vetrotex Deutschland (Reinforcements), he worked in Italy with Vetr.I. (Containers). In 1994 he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Saint-Gobain Emballage. On 1 January 1997, he was named President of the Pipe Division and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pont-a-Mousson SA. Since 15 October 2001, he has carried out the functions of Senior Vice-President of the Saint-Gobain Group and President of the Abrasives and the Ceramics & Plastics Divisions. Born in August 1938, Gianpaolo Caccini has a doctorate in chemistry. He held several posts in Italy before being named Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Saint-Gobain Desjonqueres in 1988. In 1991 he was appointed President of the Insulation and Reinforcements Division, and in October 1996 was appointed Senior Vice-President of the Saint-Gobain Group, as well as General Delegate to the United States and Canada. He has held the post of Group Chief Operating Officer since 1 September 2000.

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