Managers and health-and-wellness teams from PPG facilities, as well as outside speakers, met at PPG Industries’ 2012 Asia/Pacific Health and Wellness Engagement Summits, which took place in Shanghai, China, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Melbourne, Australia.
PPG Industries recently held 2012 Asia/Pacific Health and Wellness Engagement Summits in Shanghai, China, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Melbourne, Australia. The three summits brought together managers and health-and-wellness teams from PPG facilities as well as outside speakers to discuss policies, processes and programmes that can foster a culture of health and wellness.
“PPG regards the operation of safe and healthful workplaces as one of its primary commitments to employees around the globe,” said Mike Horton, PPG president, Asia/Pacific. “PPG conducted its first wellness summit outside the US in Europe in 2010. In the Asia/Pacific region, we are promoting wellness for employees and their families in a bid to help employees be productive and engaged, which will contribute to the improved vitality and performance of our business.”
At the Shanghai summit, John Richter, PPG vice president of operations, coatings, Asia/Pacific, Paul Bowman, PPG general manager of aerospace, Asia/Pacific, and other PPG leaders discussed the development of a culture of health for PPG Asia/Pacific employees and businesses. Presentations about stress management by Eric Kung, chairman and CEO of Human Dynamic, and about exercise and resilience by Benoit Greindl and Thomas Tang, partners in The Resilience Institute, offered outside perspectives, along with a presentation about health and productivity measures assessment by Zorianna Hyworon, president and CEO of InfoTech.
PPG also presented Safety and Health Awards during the summits to recognize wellness programmes at nine facilities, such as those in Suzhou and Tianjin, China, and at facilities in Korea, Indonesia and Australia.