Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Pilkington: Swedish contract for jetfighters

St. Helens-based UK glassmaker Pilkington has won a GBP 10.5 million contract to supply transparent cockpit systems for a new Swedish jetfighter. Pilkington Aerospace says the new systems will be inst…

St. Helens-based UK glassmaker Pilkington has won a GBP 10.5 million contract to supply transparent cockpit systems for a new Swedish jetfighter. Pilkington Aerospace says the new systems will be installed on the Sb Gripen JAS 39 jet fighter. It is the latest contract in a line of successes for the aerospace arm of the glass giant, and comes after US-based Lockheed Martin asked Pilkington to supply cockpit covers for the new US joint strike fighter jet and a contract for windshields for the Bombardier Learjet 45 corporate jet. The Swedish jet is a multi-role combat plane that will be used for domestic defence in Sweden and for export to several countries including Hungary, the Czech Republic and South Africa.

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