Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Philips Glehlampenwerk: new production facility

German car lamps maker Philips Glehlampenwerk, (GLW) a subsidiary of German electronics group Philips GmbH, invested a total of EUR 50 million (USD 53.7 million) in a second xenon lamps production fac…

German car lamps maker Philips Glehlampenwerk, (GLW) a subsidiary of German electronics group Philips GmbH, invested a total of EUR 50 million (USD 53.7 million) in a second xenon lamps production facility in Aachen, western Germany, which entered service on 13 April 2003. The investment is part of GLW strategy to transform its production site at Aachen into a high-tech center of excellence for car and halogen lamps. Xenon lamps are used in a wide range of automotive applications and their average price is about EUR 800 (USD 859). GLW employs 1,295, including 140 in the new production unit. Currently, GLW“s share of the German car lamps market is 51%.

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