13 May 1999: Nippon Electric Glass (NEG) is preparing for an expansion of its monthly production of glass-based optical products to 300,000.
According to a recent report, NEG“s electronic component…
13 May 1999: Nippon Electric Glass (NEG) is preparing for an expansion of its monthly production of glass-based optical products to 300,000. According to a recent report, NEG“s electronic components have registered steady, double-digit growth, and the company“s glass ferrule GCF has been accepted as a standard NTT specification. NEG said it is studying ways to expand the capacity of its optical fibre from four to sixteen wavelengths. It has overcome problems in centering of the channel in its preformed square-hole glass fibre, and has also reduced the electrical resistance of its triangular-hole glass fibre. The company is now marketing its products to industrial glass product consumers.