Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Lipik Glass to receive investments for EUR 120 million

Some EUR 120 million are to be invested in a glass production workshop in Croatian flat glassmaker Lipik Glass in Lipik, eastern Croatia, the company said on 10 September 2002. The workshop will have …

Some EUR 120 million are to be invested in a glass production workshop in Croatian flat glassmaker Lipik Glass in Lipik, eastern Croatia, the company said on 10 September 2002. The workshop will have a capacity of 450 tonnes of glass a day and will create 500 jobs, company board member Augusto Gasparetto said. The Lipik Glass owners, Italian group Finind and Croatian engineering company Ingra, have so far invested some EUR 10 million in the company. Finind holds 76% and Ingra 24% in Lipik Glass. Finind and Ingra bought the bankrupt company, which was previously called Hrvatska Industrija Ravnog Stakla, for EUR 2.55 million in September 2001. Lipik Glass is said to be the sole European producer of glass for the air industry at present. Lipik Glass produces glass used in construction, car-making and shipbuilding, and in the production of white goods and furniture.

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