Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glaverbel: dividend details update

8 January 1998: In a recent press release, Belgium“s Glaverbel Group updated dividend details published in an earlier statement.
In the case of the dividend for the 1996 financial year, the gross …

8 January 1998: In a recent press release, Belgium“s Glaverbel Group updated dividend details published in an earlier statement. In the case of the dividend for the 1996 financial year, the gross amount to be take into consideration is BFr 112 and not BFr 140. The gross interim dividend of BFr 28 paid in November 1996 and included in the appropriation of profits for the 1996 financial year should be considered as a supplement to make up for the lower dividend (BFr 84 gross) paid in financial year 1995. Accordingly, the total dividend for the 1997 financial year, including the interim dividend of BFr 28 to be paid out in January 1998, will represent growth in comparison with the BFr 112 taken into consideration for 1996.

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