Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Gimav at Zak Glass Technology International 2010: another success for Made-in-Italy technology

Italian manufacturers of glass-processing machinery and accessories, many of which have already attended the Zak Glass Technology fair during the last six editions, took advantage of this important oc…

Italian manufacturers of glass-processing machinery and accessories, many of which have already attended the Zak Glass Technology fair during the last six editions, took advantage of this important occasion to present new ideas on the Indian market, attracting the attention of international buyers at India“s leading glass show. Attendance to the area hosting Italian companies was robust, said Renata Gaffo, director of Gimav – the Association of Italian manufacturers and suppliers of machinery, equipment and special products for glass processing. The country is growing slowly and although the recession over the past two years has certainly not helped to speed up the development process, things seem to be looking good for our companies. At this international event in New Delhi, Gimav coordinated the collective participation of its associates in the flat glass sector in collaboration with ICE (Italian Institute for Foreign Trade): a concrete sign of the trust inspired by Made in Italy excellence spurring the growth of the glass industry in this country. India, despite the many difficulties deriving from its size and lack of infrastructures, is committed to large-scale development policies that will hopefully generate new job opportunities, continued Renata Gaffo, We are sowing to reap extraordinary results. Within the machine tools and industrial equipment market, Italian machinery and accessories for glass processing have always been global leaders, and have transformed this sector into a “Made in Italy” niche market. Machinery designed in Italy is famous and appreciated worldwide, thanks to its perfect combination of technological innovation, product quality and prompt technical support, which make it rise above all international competition. These distinctive features and the strong participation in worldwide trade expos Gimav has always strived to promote are the winning cards that will allow Italian companies to take full advantage of all business opportunities the market has to offer.

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