Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Germany: brewers to cut bottle range

Four major German brewers, Bitburger, Holsten, Krombacher and Warsteiner, plan to cut the number of different bottle forms that they use by employing standard clear glass bottles for part of their ran…

Four major German brewers, Bitburger, Holsten, Krombacher and Warsteiner, plan to cut the number of different bottle forms that they use by employing standard clear glass bottles for part of their range, notably pale, mild beers. The intial estimate is that around 250 million bottles will be required for a joint “pool“ for the four companies. The brewers plan to use 0.33-liter and 0.5-liter size clear glass bottles from the start of 2006. The bottles will be UV-protected to avoid the chemical changes which could otherwise take place in the beer as a result of exposure to light. The move is aimed at cutting the cost of sorting.

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