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Ecovidrio: improvement required to reach EU recycling objective

The rate of glass recycling in Spain in 2006 will show an improvement compared to 2005, according to provisional figures, although the rate will still not reach the 60% level demanded by the EU by 200…

The rate of glass recycling in Spain in 2006 will show an improvement compared to 2005, according to provisional figures, although the rate will still not reach the 60% level demanded by the EU by 2008, the director of companies affiliated to Ecovidrio, Toms Bellas, explained on 15 March 2007 The recycling figures for 2005, the last year for which definitive data is available, show that the rate was 44.6% of waste glass, while the amount per capita was 11.6 Kg. The figures give Spain a medium-low ranking among European Union nations: leading recycling countries have rates of 80%. Mr. Bellas warned that a great effort was needed from all in order to reach the EU required level by 2008 of 60% of all glass waste. He noted the large differences that exist in recycling between different regions of Spain and underlined the importance of the hostelry sector in achieving the required rate, given that the sector consumes 48% of glass containers which enter the market. The sector is “vital and key”, said Mr. Bellas, adding that it is important to facilitate the task of glass recycling for sector companies.

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