12 February 1998: The German glass firm, Deutsche Spezialglas AG (Desag) is set to propose a dividend of DM 9 (DM 6 previously) per DM 50 share for 1996/97 (to 30 September) to its annual general meet…
12 February 1998: The German glass firm, Deutsche Spezialglas AG (Desag) is set to propose a dividend of DM 9 (DM 6 previously) per DM 50 share for 1996/97 (to 30 September) to its annual general meeting on 23 April. This will result from a balance sheet profit of DM 9.6 million, a considerable increase on a year earlier figure of DM 3.6 million. Also to be proposed, on the basis of extraordinary revenue, will be a special dividend of DM 7 per share on the share capital of DM 30 million. Over the year, turnover at Deutsche Spezialglas rose 6% to DM 209 million. Domestic business shrank slightly while the foreign share of turnover increased from 44% to 48%.