Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Croatian subsidiary of Rogaska Crystal invests in production lines

Croatian glassworks Kristal Samobor, a subsidiary of Slovenian glassworks Rogaska Crystal, has invested over EUR 8.0 million in three automatic production lines for glass chalices with a total capacit…

Croatian glassworks Kristal Samobor, a subsidiary of Slovenian glassworks Rogaska Crystal, has invested over EUR 8.0 million in three automatic production lines for glass chalices with a total capacity of 30,000 pieces of chalices an hour, creating some 150 new jobs. Kristal Samobor started operating the first of the production lines on 5 February 2002 and currently produces 8,500 pieces an hour. The line is the first in Croatia, Kristal Samobor said. Some 90% of the future output of the three production lines will be exported, Kristal Samobor CEO Davor Senija said. Rogaska Crystal bought the bankrupt Croatian glassworks, Samobor Kristal, in 2000, and set up its subsidiary Kristal Samobor in mid-2001. Rogaska Crystal has 16 subsidiaries in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and the US, and has 2,100 employees.

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