Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Corning: plans to establish melting tanks in China

During a seminar held at FPD China 2010, Corning pointed out that the company is in negotiation with clients and the Chinese government with regards to the construction of glass melting tanks in the c…

During a seminar held at FPD China 2010, Corning pointed out that the company is in negotiation with clients and the Chinese government with regards to the construction of glass melting tanks in the country, and expects the plan to be settled this year. According to Corning, global glass substrate demand is expected to increase 14-22% to 2.8-3 billion sq.ft. in 2010, noting that, in 2009, the glass substrate market increased more than 20% to 2.45 billion sq.ft. despite the global crisis. The forecasts for worldwide LCD TV shipments are 171 million units in 2010, an increase of 21% compared to 2009, due to, according to Corning, demand from emerging markets and China. The share of LCDs in the TV market of emerging countries is expected to increase to 57% in 2010, an increase of 36% compared to 2009, while the share of LCDs in China will increase to 86% of its total TV market, an increase of 68% compared to 2009. CRT TV shipments are slumping and are expected to drop to 39 million units in 2010 compared to 50 million units in 2009, the company added. Corning said it expects the PC market to increase 13% this year, thanks to economy recovery, with more enterprises scheduled to switch to Windows 7. Mobile computing and emerging markets are also forecast to boost the demand for PCs. Moreover, the notebook market will reach 207 million units in 2010, and LCD monitor shipments 169 million units. China is expected to become the largest LCD monitor market in 2010 with estimated shipments of 47.4 million units, an increase of about 11% compared to 2009, Corning said, adding that the LCD monitor market in China will account for 28% of the global market in 2010. According to Corning, the LCD TV market in China is expected to reach 37 million units, pushed by a subsidy programme from the government and CRT TV replacement demand, adding that China“s LCD TV market will account for 21% of the global market in 2010.

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