
Corning: no role in Brazilian television tube factory

11 June 1998: According to recent press reports, dates are already being set for the initial steps of the installation of the first factory of 29-inch television tubes in Brazil.
In the first half o…

11 June 1998: According to recent press reports, dates are already being set for the initial steps of the installation of the first factory of 29-inch television tubes in Brazil. In the first half of June, the electrical-electronics manufacturers Itau Philco, Gradiente and CCE are expected to announce the name of the future glass supplier, the main material used in the component“s production. Reports say that Corning will not be its glass supplier, however. Several companies presented proposals to the buying consortium, formed by the electric and electronics manufacturers Itau Philco, Gradiente and CCE. But Corning said that it changed its plans and decided, some time ago, not to take part in that business any longer. According to Corning, the company“s decision was already released to the buying consortium. The three manufacturers received, by the beginning of this month, the technical-commercial proposals of the foreign companies that are competing in order to supply the material. These companies are Asahi (Japan), Corning (US) and Schott (Germany). The proposals are still being analyzed, but the name of the most probable winner is being kept under lock and key. The possibility is circulating on the market that two companies may divide the supply. Last year, the direction of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) announced its interest in supporting the opening of a television tube factory in Brazil.

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