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Centre for Window and Cladding Technology: international Glass in Buildings conference

24 September 1998: The Centre for Window and Cladding Technology at the University of Bath in the UK has announced the dates for its international conference set to take place from 31 March to 1 April…

24 September 1998: The Centre for Window and Cladding Technology at the University of Bath in the UK has announced the dates for its international conference set to take place from 31 March to 1 April 1999. The conference will be on the use of glass as an architectural/engineering form and material. The objective, said the organizers of the fair, is to gather and disseminate the latest practice and research on all aspects of the use of glass in buildings. The conference will provide an opportunity for architects, engineers, researchers and others to discuss and exchange ideas on new practices and technologies for the architectural use of glass. Conference themes in the integrity and structural use of glass will include: strength of glass; loading of glass; glass supporting structures; glass assemblies; glass structures; mechanical fixing of glass; adhesives and glass; fire performance; failure modes; risk analysis and safety. Topics in the glass for environmental control area will include: glass properties; light transmission solar gain; total solar energy transfer; advanced glazing materials; variable transmission glasses; shading devices; control strategies; acoustic control; coating technology and applied films. Authors are invited to submit 300 word abstracts on the themes listed. They should be saved in plain text and sent as e-mail attachments to: cwct@bath.ac.uk. For more information on this event, please contact: Brena Apted Glass in Buildings Centre for Window and Cladding Technology University of Bath Bath BA2 7AY UK Tel: +44-1225-826541 Fax: +44-1225-826556

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