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Asahi Glass to build sheet glass plants

Asahi Glass Co. said on 20 June it will spend a total of JPY 23 billion to build sheet glass plants in Mexico and Russia. The Mexico plant will cost Asahi US$ 100 million, it said. Asahi Glass will bu…

Asahi Glass Co. said on 20 June it will spend a total of JPY 23 billion to build sheet glass plants in Mexico and Russia. The Mexico plant will cost Asahi US$ 100 million, it said. Asahi Glass will build the sheet glass plant in Mexico through its subsidiary there together with a subsidiary of Mexican glass maker Vitro S.A. DE C.V. Construction of the new plant, which will be able to make 550 tons of float sheet glass a day, will be completed by the fourth quarter of 2003. In Russia, Asahi Glass“s subsidiary Glaverbel SA will build a float sheet glass plant with a daily capacity of 600 tons and a mirror plant with a capacity of 5 million sq. m. of mirror a year. The combined investment for the two Russian plants will total EUR 130 million, expected to be operational as of 2004. The decision to build new sheet glass plants in Mexico and Russia is aimed at meeting growing demand there.

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