Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

ANFEVI: glass gains ground in up-market olive oil

In 2005, the use of glass bottles for olive oil in Spain rose by 6% on the previous year, to 173 million from 163.2 million. Olive oil is gaining in prestige among shoppers and the increase is to be a…

In 2005, the use of glass bottles for olive oil in Spain rose by 6% on the previous year, to 173 million from 163.2 million. Olive oil is gaining in prestige among shoppers and the increase is to be appreciated in the packaging as well as in the content; the quality of the oil has improved but so has the presentation. While PET bottles remain the standard format for the mass market, glass is becoming stronger in up-market sales channels such as delicatessans, said ANFEVI, the organisation which represents Spain“s glass packaging manufacturers, ahead of its annual report. The upward trend in the use of glass for olive oil has been visible for the last decade, with a rise over the period of 1600%. Between 2003 and 2004 the rise was 20%. The increase is a reflection of consumer preferences; a study by the Perfiles Institute noted that 80% of Spanish consumers expressed a preference for glass bottles, which allow them to see perfectly what is inside.

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